Enneagram Coaching for Couples

Awareness + Empathy + Communication + Intimacy

Imagine experiencing:

Here's what you can expect with couples coaching:

Coaching Packages for Couples

Insights Intensive

This 4-session package offers quick insights into a couple's relationship dynamics using Enneagram wisdom. Ideal for gaining foundational knowledge without a long-term commitment.

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The Essentials

This 12-session foundational package offers structured guidance, Enneagram insights, and practical tools for communication, conflict resolution, and fostering a deeper connection and empathy between couples. It's perfect for couples looking to enhance their relationship and build a stronger foundation for their future.

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Why Choose Me?

Ready to unlock your full potential and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery?

** Even though I'm licensed as a professional counselor, the coaching services offered here are not counseling and are not meant to treat mental health issues or take the place of couples therapy. If you are needing counseling instead of coaching, I suggest you use Psychology Today's "Find A Therapist" tool.**